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info@londonhypnotherapyuk.com 0207 467 8564

How can I get treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Dear Dr Kraft


I found your psychotherapy website online and need you help. I don’t want to put my name down so please call me Jen–it is my nickname. But please help.

I have been suffering from bouts of depression during the early stages of November and December each year. It is particularly bad at Christmas. My mother died one Christmas. It was on the 18th of December and it broke my heart. Every year around November I dread Christmas coming around. I saw a psychotherapist before and he helped me with my bereavement but sometimes when I went to see him I felt worse afterwards. He was supposed to help me but in the end I had to do it for myself. I have been recommended to see you by a friend who went to see you for depression. She had psychotherapy and some hypnotherapy with you at the Enfield clinic. She said that she felt better immediately and that, in the end, she only had five psychotherapy sessions.


But this time I want to see a psychotherapist who can also do hypnotherapy. Can you help me? I am in desperate need of some psychological support and I need to see someone close to my home in London. I live in Southgate, and I understand that you have a clinic in Enfield. And how do I book a session. Do I go through you or do I need to get a referral from my GP. Is the nearest station Enfield Town?





Dear Jen


Don’t worry about your name. This blog, in which I cannot control the content of the enquiries, is intended for academics and general enquiries.  I also change names or add ***** to protect people’s identity. I also don’t do psychotherapy on line: you will have to come and see me in Enfield. You can book a psychotherapy or hypnotherapy session by phone. You don’t need a referral anymore; you can self refer without any problem. I believe that your problem is associated with the memory of the loss of your mother rather than it being Seasonal Affective Disorder. I would be happy to help. Please telephone 0207 467 8564 for an appointment. My mobile is 07946 579645. My Enfield practice is right off the A10 and easily accessible. Enfield is not great for parking spaces, but there are lots of spaces in Lincoln Road. The best station is not Enfield Town but Bush Hill Parks, and it is a 10 minute walk from there.

David Kraft, UKCP Psychotherapist

Enfield Psychotherapy