Enfield Psychologist
In all areas of London, it is very difficult to get psychological treatment. The NHS has long waiting lists, from between six months to a year, and people are at their wits ends trying to get psychological help for their loved ones. Generally, when someone wants to get psychotherapy, after the long wait, they are only offered CBT and a maximum of 12 sessions. But if you manage to get psychotherapy or counselling, it is important that you get treatment from a registered psychotherapist or psychologist.
David Kraft set up a practice in Enfield in order offer counselling and psychotherapy with reduced rates. Some individuals going to Harley Street were simply unable to afford the fees; however, in 2014, David offered an additional clinic in Enfield Town. The practice is in Bush Hill Park, close to Enfield Town Station. In fact, the nearest stop is Bush Hill Park Station or Southbury Station.
David has had a number of people who have been either referred or redirected to his clinic from Chase Farm Hospital or from North Middlesex Hospital. People can phone DAVID KRAFT directly on his work mobile number or on the Harley Street number. He will get back to you as soon as possible. And, unlike the NHS, and local GPs, there are no answer phones, options or receptionists getting in the way. In the first instance, David will assess the situation on the phone and then book a session for you at a clinic in Enfield. For more information ring 07946 579645 – this is David’s work mobile number. If you can’t get hold of him please text and he will ring you back immediately. In the event that David Kraft is on holiday, please email him at dmjkraftesq@yahoo.co.uk.
David Kraft is a UKCP-accredited psychotherapist and social psychologist. He has been using behaviour therapy for a number of years, particularly in the treatment of anxiety, phobias, panic disorder, sleeping disturbances, and range of other psychological disturbances.
#EnfieldCounselling #EnfieldPsychotherapist #EnfieldCounsellor
#EnfieldHypnotherapist #EnfieldPsychotherapy
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
10 Harley Street
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
Counselling for Relationship Problems in Enfield
Counselling for Relationships
In 2008, psychotherapist and counsellor, David Kraft, set up a psychotherapy/counselling programme for couples having relationship or marriage problems. This practice was originally in Harley Street, although there is now a clinic in Enfield. In the first instance, David saw couples together, but he soon realised that it was better to work one-to-one. Since about 2009, David has been seeing a number of people to help them with their relationship issues. Sometimes, individuals need to work through problems in the family context in order to deal with them in real life. Problems include power struggles, guilt, trust issues, falling in and out of love, time management, and generally getting along with each other. In some instances, individuals want to terminate a relationship and need to work with a counsellor to deal with this transition. Other clients need to take more of a lead role in a relationship; and, in other instances, some individuals need to think about compromising.
In the counselling sessions, individuals have an allotted time (50 minutes) in order to deal with and work through conflicts and psychological disturbances. And, actually, individuals do very nicely this using treatment approach and it helps to them move on in their lives either in the existing relationship or moving towards the possibility of changing partners.
If you would like a session, either in Enfield or in Harley Street, please call David Kraft on (07946) 579645. The Enfield practice is just off the Great Cambridge Road, opposite the Travel Lodge.
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
10 Harley Street
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
The Clinic in Enfield Town
#EnfieldCounselling #EnfieldPsychotherapy #MarriageCounsellingLondon
#RelationshipCounselling #CounsellinginEnfield #CounsellingNorthLondon
Bereavement Counselling in Enfield
Bereavement Counselling in Enfield
When we lose a loved one it can be difficult for individuals, as well as the whole family. Some people are able to deal with the loss of a loved one by talking to friends and family; however, when this becomes more of a problem, people may need to seek psychological support. Bereavement Counselling is a specialised form of psychological support and, interestingly, people when they come for this sort of counselling often find the other issues – fears and anxieties, problems within the family context, and so forth. What I tend to do is recommend having six sessions and then seeing on from there. Some people are able to deal with the issues quickly, while others needs more than 10 sessions. Often, there are all sorts of feelings associated with guilt: some individuals focus in on themselves while others experience psychosomatic problems.
One very useful technique is to look at the love one’s life, as far as one can remember, celebrating what that person achieved and thinking of important events in the past. Kübler-Ross spoke with the five stages of grief: 1. denial and isolation, 2. anger, 3. bargaining, 4. depression, and 5. acceptance. It is important to note that often people experience all or only some of these conditions, and it doesn’t necessarily happen in that order.
I am often involved in providing unconditional support and helping people to begin to re-build the family dynamics. Others turn to their close friends around them. But the key to treatment is having significant time to work from some of these key issues – coming to terms with the loss of a loved one. One of the best ways to do this is to begin to look forward and review one’s desired future with the family and friends. Some people, particularly the elderly, have very few friends and family; so it is important for those people to build up a social network by going to an event once or twice a week.
David has a clinic in Enfield which is just off the Cambridge Road. For more information please phone David Kraft on (020) 7467 8564 or ring his work mobile phone number which is (07946) 579645.
David Kraft
Enfield Psychotherapy
70 Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
10 Harley Street
London Psychotherapy and London Hypnotherapy UK
Website 1: www.londonpsychotherapy.co.uk
Website 2: www.londonhypnotherapyuk.com
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Enfield
The bulk of the work that David Kraft takes on at his clinic in Enfield focusses on specific disorders—for example, someone who is unable to sleep will come for a specific treatment to deal with the insomnia. And, once the individual is able to sleep adequately well, usually he or she feels ready to move on and stop treatment. Other examples of specific problems include phobic anxiety, sweating response, depression, panic attacks, and a huge range of other psychological conditions. However, there are other times where individuals don’t have a specific problem in mind. They feel uncomfortable, they might feel moderately depressed or they might feel that life is not going in the right direction for them: in these instances, many prefer to get this solved by going to see a counsellor for long-term therapy. Generally, the work that I do is solution focused, and I like to help people in a short space of time; however, there are some people who want to be in long-term therapy. Most people have weekly counselling sessions. However, David likes to be flexible. For example, some clients come once a week, while others come twice a month or even once a month.
It is inevitable that, at times, some individuals need help, particularly when life becomes tough, during say a time of bereavement or when changing of job. David has had a lot of success working with individuals in this way helping people to take the time to pinpoint their intrinsic goals and motivations: this motivational style of therapy is based on setting up short-, mid- and long-term goals. David, using this counselling approach, offers unconditional positive regard, an approach akin to the ‘client-centred therapy’ of Carl Rodgers. However, it is important to note that David is a trained psychotherapist and, from time to time, he will use analysis in order to help people gain an understanding of their personal situation, taking into consideration the psychodynamics of the family.
For more information, and for any enquiries, please ring DAVID KRAFT on (020) 7467 8564. Alternatively you can ring him on his work mobile number which is (07946) 579645.
David Kraft
David Kraft BMus MSc PhD MBPsS BSCAH Accred.
Registered UKCP Psychotherapist and Counsellor
Honorary Secretary BSCAH Mets & South
10 Harley Street
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
Psychotherapy and Counselling in Enfield, North London
Hello and welcome to Enfield Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy. A number of people in the local community have asked how to get psychotherapy or psychological treatment on the NHS. The answer is, of course, that there are long waiting lists; and, once a referral has been made, it is usually for a set of 6 to 12 CBT sessions. So how does one get psychotherapy in the Enfield area? This is very difficult. There are very few psychotherapists recommended by the NHS and, normally, one has to go to find someone privately.
David Kraft, at Enfield Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, offers tailor-made, one-to-one counselling and psychotherapy to the public in the Enfield area. In the past, one had to use to get a referral letter from one’s GP in order to get psychological treatment— that is the say, counselling or psychotherapy. Nowadays, however, one can simply telephone one of the numbers below in order to see a psychotherapist and book appointment. Indeed, one does not need to tell the GP and it’s up to you whether you want your psychotherapist to send a letter.
Dr David Kraft set up Enfield Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy in 2014 to help with some of the people at Chase Farm Hospital and North Middlesex Hospital. It was obvious that people in the local area could not afford Harley Street rates and he significantly reduced his rates for this purpose. In order to book an appointment, please ring one of the numbers below.
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
David Kraft PhD is a well respected, UKCP- registered psychotherapist in clinical practice. He is heavily involved in teaching doctors, dentists and psychologists behaviour
therapy and hypnosis.
Addresses for correspondence:
10 Harley Street
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
Psychological Help in Enfield, North London
Mental Health/Psychological Help in Enfield
There is a number of different community support teams available in Enfield which focus on mental health. The Community Support and Recovery Team focuses on medical psychiatric treatment, group therapy; carer assessment and support; employment and education support with some welfare advice; care assessment and support recovery. However, generally, this service is for people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, psychotic depression and various other psychiatric conditions. In my opinion, many of the above conditions over diagnosed. And, in a number of cases, people are given labels because psychiatrists are inadequately trained to deal with the aetiology of the problem…
Enfield Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy
The three most common problems in England are probably depression, insomnia, and anxiety. However, the problem is that, in order to get adequate psychological support, there are huge waiting lists. There are organisations, such as Mind, which deal with these problems; however, they are manned by non-healthcare professionals who have had very basic training. Indeed, all the people who work for Mind are volunteers; and, although they may be on the road to getting the BACP accreditation, they are not qualified. For example, on their website they state that if you experience extreme anxiety they will be unable to help you. I don’t trat you if you are experiencing severe mental health problems, extreme anxiety, an eating disorder. And what if you are self harming or having alcohol or drug problems? They won’t be able to help you. They also won’t be able to help you if you suffering from PTSD or panic disorder.
If one wants to see a professional there are long waiting lists and, eventually, a short batch of CBT is offered. Psychotherapy is rarely an option on the NHS. However, help is at hand. Here at Enfield Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, we have a short waiting list and we can see you in a short space of time. The psychotherapist, DAVID KRAFT, has had a great deal of experience treating the full range of psychological problems. For more information please go to his website.
So why do people come for counselling? People come for counselling when they have some problems in their lives. This might include personal relationship problems, bereavement problems at work or at home. A counsellor will offer ways of understanding your particular situation. Psychotherapy is inextricably interconnected with counselling but I suppose it involves some poor form of analysis as well. David Kraft offers a solution-focused approach to psychotherapy in which he uses a multi-modal approach to treatment. This includes psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and other behavioural techniques. In the past, one had to get a referral letter from one’s GP; however, nowadays, one can simply self refer my phone in one of the numbers below.
07946 579645 (work mobile)
0207 467 8564 (Harley Street: Secretary)
David Kraft PhD
Registered UKCP Psychotherapist
London Psychotherapy
10 Harley Street
Enfield Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
Psychological Support for the Military
Psychological Support for the Military
David Kraft has had a great deal of experience providing military personnel with psychological support. The main work that he does revolves around helping military service men and women suffering from PTSD. People coming back from the forces find it very difficult to re-integrate into society. The other important strand to the work is helping members of the services to get suitable jobs and move on in their lives. This is a particularly difficult task, because explaining what happens in war zones is almost impossible. Families and friends are unable to understand. Often military personnel are able quickly and efficiently to deal with panic situations in their everyday lives. If there is some sort of disturbance or crisis, they are able to be superhuman and deal with the problem at hand. However, ironically, in every day situations, quite often they find the simplest of tasks very difficult. It must be extremely difficult for military personnel to cope in civilian life. In the army and the navy and in other services, there is a clear chain of command—that is the say, a hierarchy of various ranks. In civilian life there is no such hierarchy, and military personnel find this very difficult.
Many military personnel also suffer from some form of PTSD. In severe cases, a man or woman will be unable to cope with everyday life. Police sirens and ambulances or any loud noise may cause the individual to feel anxious or go into panic mode. Some individuals experience panic attacks while others feel on edge and terrified throughout the day. Others find it difficult to sleep at night and experience nightmares or night terrors. In these cases, it is important to use dissociative techniques in hypnosis to deal with this trauma. Sometimes the key trauma was an actual traumatic event whereas on other occasions the trauma could be a near miss with something dreadful which could have happened. Nevertheless, in all cases, the response to stimuli is largely unconscious. The techniques using hypnosis address the original problem in a safe way. Clients are able to dissociate themselves from the original incident and this helps no recovery.
David Kraft has worked with a number of military personnel over the years and has helped them both with the re-integration into society as well as the post traumatic stress disorder. He has also been involved with the MOD and helping to train psychologists in dealing with pain management.
DAVID KRAFT is a UKCP accredited psychotherapist in private practice. He has two practices: one in Harley Street and the other in Enfield town. If you’d like to book an appointment please ring him in Harley Street. The numbers are below.
Appointments: 0207 467 8564
10 Harley Street
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
London Psychotherapy and London Hypnotherapy UK
Website 1: www.londonpsychotherapy.co.uk
Website 2: www.londonhypnotherapyuk.com
Psychological help for anxiety in Enfield (North London)


I know that I will be recommending colleagues for psychological support. And I hope that the NHS will start to refer clients or patients to you. I had a friend also that came to see you who is in a wheelchair and what was helpful is that you have wheelchair access at your clinic. I also was pleased that you had a lift because I find walking rather difficult. Indeed this is why I had a lot of psychological problems at the time. However since having hypnotherapy with you a lot of the pain has disappeared. This has helped me greatly and I’m beginning to enjoy life once more. I am able to shop in Enfield town and visit friends in Palmers Green. I also practise self hypnosis every day.
I know that Chase Farm Hospital has begun to refer some clients to you. Good job! Thank you for your help once more.