Harley Street  
info@londonhypnotherapyuk.com 0207 467 8564

I have Scoleciphobia which is the fear of worms. Cam you help using hypnotherapy?

Worm Phobia 2

Dear Sir


I notice from the internet that you have had a lot of people contacting you with weird phobias. I have had a strange fear of worms for years. I am not going to say a lot of this forum but I think it is sexual. I love sex but I sometimes fear a man’s genitals. I first developed worm phobia on a school trip when a boy talked about me getting wet. I was only 12 and it filled me with fear. I felt that I didn’t one and that he had one over me. The more he talked to me and the more I tried to sop it, the more h made me feel wet. I was completely under his control. And now every time I see something long or resembling a penis I get wet and I feel out of control. I also fear anything that it dirty. And worms are dirty. I fear dirt in the garden and dirt on the street. I am always cleaning up dirt to cover my tracks. Thanks



Dear Jen

May I suggest contacting me privately rather than on this forum; this should help. In the meantime, more information can be found here. My work number is 0207 467 8564.


Animal Phobias


David Kraft





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