Where do I go if I want hypnotherapy in West London?
There are many therapists who use hypnotherapy in West London. Here is a list of some of them. Julie de Burgh is based in Ealing and she can be found at www.juliedeburgh.co.uk/hypnotherapy.html ; Tim Martin is based in Harley Street and can be found at www.altogether-mbs.co.uk/about.php ; and Jane Hodgkin is in W3-her website is at www.hypno-west.co.uk . Alternatively, if you go to the centre of London, you will be able to find a number of highly skilled therapists trained in hypnotherapy. David Kraft is the founder member of London Hypnotherapy UK, and he is based at 10 Harley Street. In order to book an appointment, simply phone this number (020 7467 8564) and speak to the secretaries in the office; they will immediately ring David Kraft and he will get back to you straight away.