Telephone Psychotherapy (Zoom, Skype, Telephone)
Traditionally, Psychotherapy, Counselling and other forms of therapy have always been face-to-face. However, in this day and age, post Covid, and with people living busy lives, people are finding it increasingly helpful to engage in psychotherapy online. This form of therapy can be done on Zoom, on Skype or on various other platforms.
Over the last four years, psychotherapist, David Kraft, has worked with people from all over the world: clients who want to see David from other countries can see him easily at the touch of a button. David works with people who over the world; for example, from England, France, Italy, Spain, Dubai, Russia, the USA, Thailand and Saudi Arabia.
Online Psychotherapy, or Telephone Psychotherapy, can be easily accessed by people who live busy lives. In the past, in order to book a psychotherapy session, one had to get a referral from a psychiatrist or from one’s GP—even for a private appointment. However, nowadays, one can simply ’phone up for an appointment.
This service is particularly helpful for people who live abroad as well as for people who live hectic lives—for example, people who run their own businesses, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, people with families, stockbrokers and teachers.
To Book a Session
Simply email David on or ring him on (020) 7467 8564. Alternatively, you can contact him on his work mobile phone number which is (07946) 579646.
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Postscript and Thai Therapy
David Kraft has a degree in Thai and speaks very good Thai. He feels that there are different levels of fluency when speaking a language and, although he speaks the language very well, it is probably better to speak English during sessions. However, for those who don’t speak English, David can offer sessions in Thai. That being said, even when speaking English, there are a great number of times during the session where Thai cultural issues come to the fore, and this is where it is important to understand the intrinsic culture of Thailand. David has had a great deal of experience working with Thais and expats.
More Helpful Contact Details
David Kraft PhD
Immediate Past President, Section of Hypnosis & Psychosomatic Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine
Registered UKCP Psychotherapist
10 Harley Street
Flat 70, Cosmopolitan Court
67 Main Avenue
0207 467 8564 (General Enquiries)
07946 579645 (Work Mobile)
For those abroad
ring +447946 579645